
America x Reader: I Need a Hero

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Literature Text

Alfred F. Jones


You lay on the cool wooden surface with your eyes glued to the ceiling, waiting for it to give you an answer. Surprisingly, the ceiling remained silent. Friday evenings had always been so fun; you could kick back and relax with the knowledge that you still had another two days before the work began again, especially when your parents were out like today, but now? Now they were just so incredibly boring.
“He’s ruined my life!” Grudgingly pushing yourself up off the floor, you turned to stare at your phone situated on the sofa in the centre of your living room. One call, all you had to do was make one call and he would make the evening fun again. You pulled the phone to your ear as the dial tone began.
“Happy Friday Dude!” The volume of his voice made you wince slightly, but it also brought a smile to your lips.
“Alfred, get your American ass over here right now.”
“What’s up __________? You don’t sound like you’re feeling the Friday-vibe.”
“The Friday-vibe has died Alfie, and it’s your fault.” Before he could protest you added “I was totally content to spend my Friday evenings watching junk on TV, and then you decided to come along and show me how much fun Fridays could really be! Take responsibility for my boredom Jones!”
“The Hero is on his way with movies and popcorn!”
“You better be here soon because this damsel is in so much distress right now.”
“Got it dude!” With that the hyperactive blond hung-up, leaving you grinning like an idiot.

The manic ringing of the doorbell several minutes later told you that your guest had arrived. You’d barely opened the door when a bolt of blond swept you up and spun you around in the hallway as if you weighed no more than a Big Mac. You squealed at the impact but couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out from your lips. Eventually, he stopped spinning and beamed up at you.
“The Hero has arrived!” Slipping out of his grasp you shook your head, still giggling.
“The Hero needs to learn to close the door behind him. It’s November!”
“Sorry dude.” He amended his previous mistake after you wacked him playfully on the arm. Spinning on your heel, you began towards the living room only pausing when he called your name. “Oh and __________, love the pj’s.”
“I thought you would.” Blushing slightly, you looked down at the baggy, blue t-shirt. A large Superman emblem was printed on the front. You did have a pair of shorts on underneath, but as the shirt fell to mid-thigh it probably didn’t look that way to Alfred. Smirking, you decided to let him work it out for himself.
“So? What entertainment did you bring?” In response he held up a gory looking horror movie, his eyes alight with excitement. “Al, that is going to scare the crap out of you.”
“What are you talking about? Heroes don’t get scared!”
“Of course they don’t.” You knew better than to argue with him, last time he’d held your share of the popcorn hostage and ‘accidentally’ eaten it himself. You shook your head at the memory as amusement played across your features; he was such an idiot, albeit a cute one.
“Hey dude turn off the lights and let’s get this show on the road!” Flicking the switch before collapsing next to the boy on your sofa, you snuggled closer as he put his arm around you and prepared for the terror that he would undoubtedly experience.

Sure enough, half an hour in and your shoulder was already sore from the ferocity of Alfred’s grip. There had been a few moments that had made you jump, but the majority of what you’d seen had just been blood and blatant stupidity. Honestly, reasons why anybody would decide to split up when locked in a gigantic mansion house with a psychopathic killer on the loose, was beyond you. The current victim’s resemblance to you was fairly unsettling though. As she backed up through the dark hallway you could almost hear your mind desperately pleading for her to turn around before it was too late…
“He’s behind you. Oh god he’s right behind you. Turn around damn it! TURN AROUD!” Your mind sounded a hell of a lot like Alfred. Tearing your eyes away from the screen you looked up at your friend who was practically shovelling the popcorn into his mouth non-stop. You winced as he screamed along with the killer’s prey. You didn’t particularly want to watch her get ripped apart so you kept your concentration on Alfred, unfortunately the combination of horror on his face and the vague reflection of the scene in his glasses was even worse. You closed your eyes in an attempt to shut out the images, but your vivid imagination managed to fill in the blanks, and it wasn’t pretty.
Suddenly you felt a hand grasp yours causing you to bolt upright, with a scream of terror.
“You okay babe?” You just stared down at the hand that was gently holding yours as Alfred traced circles on your palm with his thumb. The motion was calming, and soon the tremors that raked your body ceased. You looked up to meet two pools of blue filled with concern, you were so transfixed by his gaze that you didn’t even notice the killer deliver the finishing blow. “__________?”
“You okay now?” You felt like such an idiot. You’d just screamed your head off at Alfred after he tried to calm you down, how entirely stupid.
“Ah, yeah um…” You gave a nervous little laugh “I think I need a drink.” Without waiting for an answer you jumped up off the cushions and made your way to the kitchen.

Alfred watched you go with a sigh. He’d kind of enjoyed having you snuggled up against him but the movie had turned out to be a total mood killer. Looking back at the screen he decided to turn it off, the resemblance to __________ was creepy to say the least. He didn’t exactly feel like looking at her disfigured face any longer than necessary. Concluding that it was too quiet, Alfred pursued you into the kitchen, and once you were in view he leant against the doorframe with a content grin. Watching as you swept around the kitchen looking for a glass gave him a feeling of longing. He wanted this, to be able to see you do everyday things was a simple pleasure, but it was one he desired.
“Alfred!? How long have you been standing there?”
“Not long.” You felt his eyes roam up and down your figure and you blushed, feeling immediately self-conscious.
“What is it?”
“You are totally adorable.” The flush in your cheeks rose.
“Where on earth did that come from?”
“Every time I look at you I keep thinking that you’re wearing my shirt, and you have no idea how attractive that is. You are just so sexy.” You couldn’t move or even breathe, his sudden declaration had completely stunned you.
“Hey babe?” Alfred was waving his hand in front of your face, as soon as you blinked at him the confusion on his face was replaced with a relaxed smile. “So anyway, we should play some video games instead of watching that film because scaring damsels in distress isn’t very Hero-like.”
“Um, yeah cool.”

It was only after Alfred had pulled you into his lap and started playing a game where the sole objective seemed to be slaughtering everything that moved that your brain commenced functioning once more. After spending some time replaying recent events in your head, you finally came to the conclusion that Alfred had given you a complement.
Oh real clever __________. You mentally slapped yourself. The question was: did he mean anything by it? You and Alfred had hit it off almost immediately; while some found his behaviour obnoxious, you thought he was a laugh, and after only an hour of bonding over your love of all things fun the two of you were inseparable. The memory was a fond one, but it held no indication of a romantic interest. You decided that he had just been teasing you, and he wasn’t getting away with it.
“__________?” Alfred had paused the game and was looking at you questioningly.
“What are you smirking about?” His intrigued expression was cute. Let the revenge begin. You let your fingertips ghost across his chest before slipping up his face and onto his cheek, you guided him to face you so that your noses were almost touching.
“Do you really want to know?” The American swallowed.
“Are you sure you can handle it, Hero?” You pulled yourself even closer to him with your other arm around his neck.
“The Hero can handle anything.” His voice had been reduced to a whisper while you were struggling to keep a straight face.
“In that case…” Your lips were right next to his ear, and you felt him shiver as you spoke. “You smell like hamburgers.” Biting the shell of his ear lightly you began to laugh hysterically at the expression of pure shock on his features.

Alfred could not believe what had just happened. The look in _________’s eyes had been dark, mysterious, but somewhat playful; he doubted she even realised how alluring that was. He soon recovered from the surprise but as your laughter continued his expression changed into a glare of irritation.
“That was not cool dude.”
“Oh my god! Y-your FACE! That was absolutely priceless!” You looked at him. “Don’t sulk now Alfie, it was just a joke. If you didn’t tease me I wouldn’t tease you back.”
“That was cruel.” The reproachful look in his eyes caused a twist of guilt in the pit of your stomach.
“Oh come on.” There was no way he was making you feel bad about this one. “Alfred grow up, I was just playing around like you were when you called me sexy.” If possible his pout grew and he mumbled something.
“I didn’t quite catch that.”
“You’re so dense sometimes.”
“Excuse me!?” Before you could protest pulled you into his chest.
“What?” His face was turning an attractive shade of pink, you had never seen him blush before.
“How much more obvious am I supposed to be!?”
“Al, you know I haven’t actually watched Captain America right? So that reference is really obscure. I don’t even know who Penny is.”
“Fine, Peggy then.” You pulled back from him slightly so that you could see his face. “What relevance does Captain America have right now anyw-” You were cut of as soft lips met yours, as quickly as the kiss began it ended.
“You may have noticed, but I have absolutely no idea how to confess to a girl. I mean I’ve gone out with girls before but that was only because they were hot, but then they all said I was too loud and annoying so they always broke up with me and I never really met someone who was both hot and fun to hang around with, so then I met you and you became one of the dudes until I remembered you weren’t a dude and then I realised that I thought you were really cute and funny and-” You kissed him again, partially to shut him up, and partially to confirm that this was really happening. His lips were warm against yours and sent a tingling sensation through your entire body. The kiss was sweet, he made you feel so safe and loved. When you pulled away you were both rosy cheeked.
“You have no idea what you just said do you?”
“I sort of lost it after a while.”
“I could tell.”
“I talk a lot when I’m nervous.”
“You talk a lot anyway.” He grinned at you.
“So does this mean that you’ll be my girl?” You looked at him incredulously.
“No I’m dating Arthur.”
“I’m teasing you.”
“…I knew that.” You kissed him one more.
“Of course you did Hero.”
So this was my first reader insert; I wrote it a while ago but never put it on DA (only my fanfiction profile), but since exposure is good if you want comments on the way you write and how to improve I figured it wouldn't do any harm to put it up here. Comments are appreciated as is constructive criticism - general nastiness however is not. If you don't like, don't read. Simple. However if you do like it please leave a comment to let me know xx

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the characters used/mentioned in this story (the plot line's mine though). You belong to yourself... or possibly Alfred.

Other Hetalia Reader Inserts
America :star:
South Italy…
North Italy…
© 2013 - 2024 InsanityVixen
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Saroona0410's avatar
I.. uh.. I didn't watch Captain America?
Who's that Piggy?